Start a document review

To get a document reviewed, select the appropriate reviewers, set a due date, and explain to the reviewers what you need from them.

Before starting a document review, you must create the document in TeamForge .
  1. Click Documents in the project navigation bar.
  2. In the document tree, click the title of the document you want input on.
  3. On the Document Details page, click the REVIEW tab, then click Start a Review.
    Note: If a review is already in process, Start a Review does not appear, because you can only have one review at a time.
  4. On the Start a Review Cycle page, give the review a descriptive name.
  5. Enter a due date for reviewers. Click the Calendar icon to select dates.
    Tip: Comments are due at 12:00 midnight on the date selected. Therefore, if you want all document reviews to be completed by end of day Tuesday, select Wednesday as the review end date.
  6. Select the required and optional reviewers. Click the Search icon to pick from a list of project members whose access permissions enable them to see this document.
  7. Write a message to your reviewers describing the document and the type of input you need from them. Your reviewers will get this message in an automatic email that shows you as the sender.
    Tip: If you add yourself to the reviewers list, you will get a copy of this email for future reference.
  8. Click Save.
The document is now submitted for review.
Tip: To help keep track of the development of your document, associate a tracker artifact with your document review.