Move a site from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CollabNet TeamForge 8.1

As a domain administrator, you will find some aspects of TeamForge similar to CollabNet Enterprise Edition and others quite different. Here are some steps you can take to ease the transition for yourself and your site's users.

Tip: Training is available to help you manage the transition. See the CollabNet training portal for details.
  1. Get a new password for TeamForge 8.1 site

    Your login name is migrated from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to TeamForge 8.1, but your password is not.

    To create your new password, click Forgot Your Password? on the TeamForge 8.1 home page. Your TeamForge site emails you a link you can use to set a new password.
  2. Be aware of password policy differences.

    TeamForge 8.1 uses a slightly different password policy from your CollabNet Enterprise Edition site. To review the site's password policy settings, click View Password Policy on the Reset Password page.

    Note: Users' password histories are not migrated. This means that if "Size of user's password history" was set in CollabNet Enterprise Edition, the history will be cleared on migration.
  3. Site-wide broadcasts are a good way to keep your site's users up to date during the transition. See Communicate with all site users at once.
  4. Each of the CollabNet Enterprise Edition tools has its counterpart in CTF. Project information and resources work a little differently in each one. For a detailed feature-to-feature comparison, see Migrating tools from Enterprise Edition to TeamForge 8.1.
  5. For the end user, permissions mostly work the same way on the new site as on the CEE site. However, it may be useful to know about the different ways permissions are handled behind the scenes. For a detailed comparison of permission handling between the two platforms, see How do user permissions in CollabNet Enterprise Edition map to permissions in TeamForge 8.1?
  6. Project templates are not migrated from CollabNet Enterprise Edition to CTF. CollabNet will provide support to manually recreate templates after the site is upgraded.

    For information about how project templates work in CTF, see Create a project template.

  7. TeamForge 8.1 URLs are different from CollabNet Enterprise Edition URLs. Backward compatibility is provided for certain important URLs.
    For detailed information about how URLs are handled, see How do URLs in CollabNet TeamForge 8.1 compare with URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?
  8. Remote Publishing

    Remote publishing gets its own repository now. It is listed as a publishing repository in the SCM listing page. Please check out the publishing repository and use it for all remote publishing activities.

  9. Customize Project Home Page

    Post migration, please check the Project Admin > Project Settings Home Page settings to ensure that the desired content is displayed as the Home page.

    If the Show default project pages and components option is selected, the project home page displays project pages. You will see the content of index.html (if you had one in CollabNet Enterprise Edition) in the project home page as an html component. Moving forward, you will have to edit this html component through the PCE only and you can not edit index.html directly in the repository to modify the project home page.

    If the Show custom web page option is selected, the project home page displays content from the www/index.html of the 'Publishing' repository of the project. In this case, any changes to the www/index.html file will be visible in the project home page.

    You can refer this help page for details: Create a custom project home page

  10. Change of CVS URL

    CVS URLs used in CollabNet Enterprise Edition will work in TeamForge 8.1, but the repository path is different. See the Source Code tab of the TeamForge 8.1 project for the new checkout command for your CVS repository. The CVS working copies must be recreated (checked-out afresh).

  11. Subversion

    Existing Subversion working copies can be used as available and do not require a fresh checkout, except for the remote publishing content under the "www" folder.

  12. Re-do project requests/posts

    Unapproved project requests or discussion posts are not migrated to TeamForge 8.1. If you have project requests in CollabNet Enterprise Edition that were not approved until migration, it will have to be done afresh in TeamForge 8.1.

  13. CollabNet Enterprise Edition's audit history

    Audit history from CollabNet Enterprise Edition is not migrated into TeamForge 8.1, but the data is archived. Please get in touch with your CollabNet representative for accessing the data.