Approve a forum post

If a post is appropriate, you can add it to the forum by approving it.

A message to a moderated discussion forum is held until a moderator acts on it.

As a moderator, you get an email when a message is awaiting moderation. The email contains the URL where you can approve or reject the message.

Note: If your discussion forum is also a mailing list, you can approve or reject the post by email. See the options in the notification email.
Note: If the sender consistently contributes useful and appropriate input, you can save the moderation time by designating that user as a "trusted" user. Posts from trusted users don't have to be moderated.
  1. Click My Workspace in the project navigation bar to return to your My Page.
  2. On My Page, click the ITEMS AWAITING MY APPROVAL tab. The number of posts awaiting approval are displayed against the project names.
  3. To view forum details, click the hyperlinked Number of Posts for your project.
  4. Click the Number of posts awaiting approval link on the Forum Summary page.
    Note: The Forum Summary page displays all the forum names and the corresponding number of posts awaiting approval, if any.
  5. Select either of the three approval techniques in the Posts Awaiting Approval tab. As the moderator of the post, you will be able to view the topic title in the All Topics tab; and post title in the Posts Awaiting Approval tab on the Topic Summary page.
    Note: In the All Topics tab, the hourglass icons differentiate the topics that contain posts awaiting approval. To view posts nested within a topic, you can use the hyperlinked topic title.
    Option Description
    To approve posts and senders individually: Select the post and click Approve or Approve and Trust.
    To approve multiple posts and senders at once: Select all the posts to be approved and click Approve or Approve and Trust below the post details.
    To view the post details and approve: Click the post title and click Approve or Approve and Trust on the Review Post Awaiting Approval page after reading the details.