8.0 has a lot of new features.
Here's a list of a few release-defining new features in TeamForge
TeamForge 8.0: All new look and feel
The refined appearance of our TeamForge 8.0 with
its alluring shades, totally revamps the users' experience. TeamForge 8.0 has intuitive interfaces and inviting
layouts that scale up smoothly. With a focus on simple, direct, and user-friendly
interfaces, we have improved the look and feel of the application. In the reform, we have
used monochromatic flat design and google web fonts family, SourceĀ® Sans Pro, to enrich the
user experience.
While the new look and feel of TeamForge 8.0 is
giving a facelift to the application, the navigation flow remains the same as you have
experienced with our previous version.
Gone are all the gray scale tones in the linked application icons. The linked applications
listed in the project navigation bar dazzle in TeamForge 8.0 with the original logo and shades.
Recommended screen resolution: TeamForge 8.0 user interfaces are best viewed at screen resolution of at least 1280 x 800
(or more) pixels.
Reporting is one of the major thrust areas of TeamForge 8.0. With a completely revamped
user interface, the Reports tab in TeamForge 8.0 becomes your new reporting dashboard. With
a well-equipped Reports tab, have all your reports created and managed from one place.
Some of the advantages of the new reporting framework are:
- Reporting under one umbrella with a central dashboard of reports.
- High charts-based interactive data visualization charts. You can hover over the charts
to see data points, click legends in the chart to toggle specific data points in and out
of the chart and so on.
- Categorization of reports.
- Improved usability: Hassle free report creation with new widgets for selecting report
criteria such as planning folders, trackers and repositories.
- Ability to save 'Public' and 'Private' reports: While 'Public' reports are visible to
all project members with view reports permission, 'Private' reports are only for your
consumption. You cannot publish 'Private' reports in project pages.
Reporting in TeamForge for more information.
- Starting TeamForge 8.0:
- 32 bit OS platforms are not supported. However, TeamForge 8.0 is tested for compatibility with 32
bit RHEL/CentOS 6.6 to support 32 bit RHEL/CentOS 6.6 customers who upgrade to
TeamForge 8.0 on same hardware.
- SOAP4.x APIs are not supported.
- SOAP44 and SOAP43 APIs are removed.
See CollabNet's product end-of-life policy for more
- PGTurant tool is available for quick pg_upgrade. See Upgrade PostgreSQL using PGTurant for more information.
- Black Duck Code Sight is not supported on RHEL/CentOS
7.0. CollabNet recommends that you install or upgrade Black Duck Code Sight on a separate RHEL/CentOS 6.6 server if you
choose to install or upgrade TeamForge 8.0 on
a RHEL/CentOS 7.0
- No support for SSL 3.0. As a fallout of a recent security vulnerability with SSL 3.0
(see POODLE bug), SSL 3.0 protocol has been disabled
altogether on TeamForge 7.2 Patch 1 and later.
- Perforce 2014 integration with
TeamForge 8.0 is not supported in RHEL/CentOS 7.0.
Perforce integration:
Perforce integration with TeamForge 8.0 can happen only in RHEL/CentOS 6.x.
CollabNet recommends RHEL/CentOS 6.6 if you want Perforce-TeamForge 8.0
- Software version upgrades:
Teams in TeamForge
With the introduction of Team, you can now bring your physical teams into
TeamForge. In other words,
TeamForge now provides a team's view of backlogs. This
helps you plan, collaborate, track and execute your project activities with ease in a team's
context. Highlights of the Teams feature are:
Manage your project with Teams for more
Tracker and Planning Folder list views have been enhanced with Team specific features. You
can now configure
Team as a column in the filter table of Tracker and Planning Folder
list views, and include it for inline edit, mass update and export options. You can also
filter the artifacts by teams and subteams in the Trackers list view.
Planning and Task Boards now include a team's view of artifacts, that is, a swimlane
representation of artifacts for the selected team in the selected planning folder. Also,
when you perform a quick edit of an artifact via Planning and Task Boards,
Team is one of the primary attributes you can edit.
Other team-specific enhancements include the following:
- While using Search Trackers, you can set
Team as one of the search criteria. Also, you can set the
search criteria to include child teams as well.
- In Tracker Settings, Team has been added
as the new configurable field. You can also set it as a required field in a tracker
- When you create a project template, you can add Team to your
project template content.
Task Board enhancements
You can now edit a task of a backlog item quickly using the new quick edit button in Task Board.
You now have the option to set the existing document folder permissions - create, edit and
delete - for documents alone using the new option
Documents on the
Documents Permissions page (). This is to restrict project members from handling document folders or
subfolders. For example, if you do not want a project member to create a document folder,
but only create a document within a specific folder, you can set the 'Create/View'
permission only for documents.
- Email
When a tracker is modified, the tracker field modifications are included in the email
and sent to the users monitoring the tracker.
- Calculate Points
In a parent artifact, you can now sum and roll up the story points from all its
children artifacts by selecting the
field, CALCULATE POINTS. You can also enable the tracker to
include children of other projects across TeamForge (foreign children) in this calculation.

- Clone
can now clone trackers along with workflow
a project or across
During inter-project tracker cloning, user roles found in the source project's tracker
workflow, if not present in the destination project, can be created by a project
the new role will not have the associated user permissions but the name as displayed in
the source project.
that a
cannot create new roles while cloning the tracker across projects.
FCKeditor is now upgraded to CKEditor. You can style the text and add rich media contents to
your wiki pages in real time by using the WYSIWYG editor.
Nexus integration/Integrated apps
- Nexus integration
TeamForge 8.0 supports integration with Nexus OSS, an open
source repository manager for binary artifacts. By default, TeamForge 8.0 installer
installs a binary application (referred to as the 'binary app' hereinafter), which is
essentially a launching pad for all binary integrated applications such as Nexus OSS.
Once this binary app is installed as part of TeamForge 8.0 installation, you can
integrate your Nexus servers and repositories with TeamForge.
Though the binary
app is installed by default with TeamForge 8.0, you can change the value of the site
option token, BINARY_SETUP_TYPE, to skip binary app installation
altogether. You can also have this token configured to have the binary app rolled out
for all projects (both existing and new projects to be created) or only for new projects
to be created or for select projects on a need basis.
- Grouping integrated apps
Categorizing integrated applications is a new feature
in TeamForge 8.0. Existing integrated
applications are listed under Generic tab. If required, a set of
integrated applications can be classified and displayed under different
Category tabs.
- New configuration parameter
If the search option is enabled in the application
you are integrating with TeamForge, you can
have the integrated application listed under the Jump to ID
search and Advanced Search options. A new parameter,
is_search_supported, determines whether the integrated
application is available in the list of search options. By default,
is_search_supported is set to FALSE for all
integrated applications but Project Tracker.
administration: Site activity notifications
A new site option token, NOTIFY_SITE_ADMINS_FOR_SITE_ACTIVITIES, can be used to
receive email notifications on operations at the site level that include create users,
create projects, black-list users, and SCM operations.
More validations during commits
While creating or editing a repository, if you make associations mandatory for all code
commits, you can now set the following additional rules as well:
- Allow code commits against open artifacts only.
- Allow code commits only if the committer owns the artifact against which he/she