Edit these configuration files to get the behavior you want.
site-options.conf CollabNetTeamForge is controlled by settings in a master configuration file called site-options.conf. Some of the most useful configuration settings you can specify in the site-options.conf file are described here.
c6migrate.conf variables
These are the configuration settings you can specify in the c6migrate.conf file.
These are the changes you must make to the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file.
The pebble-app.xml file, also known as the Pebble application configuration file, contains the text that the Pebble application displays in the TeamForge user interface.
The pebble-dep.xml file, also known as the Pebble deployment configuration file, contains the data that Pebble needs to interact with the TeamForge site.
How is an integrated application described?
An integrated application is described using two XML files - a deployment configuration file and an application configuration file - that provide information to TeamForge about the configuration options exposed by the application.
The install.conf file contains the data needed to manage the Pebble installer.
The install.conf file contains the data needed to manage the Review Board installer.
This is the /etc/sysconfig/iptables output that will enforce the recommended security configuration.
This is the sample application-policy block that you can copy into your login-config.xml file to support LDAP authentication.
The patch manifest file
The patch manifest file contains all the information about the patch.
The /var/lib/pgsql/9.3/data/postresql.conf file controls the behavior of the PostreSQL database.