Associate a tracker artifact with a file release

To track the source and resolution of a bugs or a feature request, associate its tracker artifact with the file release in which it was discovered and fixed.

Tracker artifacts associated with file releases are also displayed separately, providing a simple way to track all issues that were discovered in or fixed in a specific file release.
Tip: You can also add associations from the tracker artifact's View Artifact page.
  1. On the Project Administration page, enable both the REPORTED IN RELEASE and FIXED IN RELEASE fields.
    • REPORTED IN RELEASE - When submitting a new artifact, the user can choose from a drop-down list of all releases in the project to identify the release in which the issue was discovered.
    • FIXED IN RELEASE - After the issue is fixed, the user can choose from a drop-down list of all releases in the project to identify the release in which the issue was fixed.
    Tip: If either of these fields says Unknown, the artifact you are working on may be associated with a file release that you don't have permission to view. You can leave that as it is or change it to a file release that you do have permission to view.
  2. When submitting a new artifact, choose the release in which the issue was discovered from the REPORTED IN RELEASE drop-down list. The drop-down list shows all releases in the project, except those that are in pending status.
  3. After the issue is fixed, update the artifact by choosing the release in which the issue was resolved from the FIXED IN RELEASE drop-down list. The drop-down list shows all releases in the project, except those that are in pending status.
The associated tracker artifacts are displayed on the View Release page, in the REPORTED TRACKER ARTIFACTS and FIXED TRACKER ARTIFACTS sections.
Note: To remind yourself of the details of the association later, look in the CHANGE LOG tab of the associated View Artifact page.