TeamForge installation repository configuration for SUSE

There are two different ways to configure your TeamForge installation repository depending on whether you install TeamForge with or without internet access.

TeamForge installation repository configuration for sites with internet access

  1. Contact the CollabNet Support and download the TeamForge 8.0 installation repository package to /tmp.
  2. Install the repository package.
    • zypper install -y /tmp/collabnet-teamforge-repo-
  3. Refresh your repository cache.
    • zypper refresh

TeamForge installation repository configuration for sites without internet access

  1. Contact the CollabNet Support to get the auxiliary installer package for TeamForge 8.0 disconnected installation and save it in /tmp.
    • SuSE Linux Enterprise Server Server 11 SP2 64-bit CTF-Disconnected-media-
  2. Unpack the disconnected installation package.
    • rpm -ivh <package-name>
  3. Note: If the SUSE installation DVD is mounted already, skip the following instructions. If not, mount the DVD.
    Insert the SUSE installation DVD. The DVD contains the necessary software and utilities required for installing TeamForge without internet access. The DVD must be mounted in the location specified in the baseurl variable in /etc/zypp/repos.d/SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Server-11-SP1\ 11.1.1-1.sr0.repo. If required, replace sr0 with the identifier for your server's CD drive.
  4. If you are installing Black Duck Code Sight in the current server, then download the code search installation package, CodeSearch-installer-2.1.3-1.noarch.rpm from and save it in the /tmp directory. To install the Black Duck Code Sight installer, run the following command.
    • cd /tmp
    • rpm -ivh CodeSearch-installer-2.1.3-1.noarch.rpm

You have now successfully configured the zypper package manager to look for the installation components it needs over the internet or on the DVD depending on whether you have internet access or not respectively.

You can now continue with the rest of the steps to complete the TeamForge installation or upgrade.