Configure CollabNet TeamForge on VMware Player

After you have installed the VMware Player, configure the TeamForge VMware image.

Only one user needs to configure TeamForge. This instance acts as the application server. To access CollabNet TeamForge, the CollabNet TeamForge application server must be running in VMware Player. Other users can access it via a Web browser without running VMware Player.

  1. In the VMware Player, log in with the username root and the password changeme.
  2. Enter and confirm a new Linux password.
    Tip: The system may warn that your password does not meet security standards. For example, it may be too short. This does not mean the password is rejected. If you confirm the same password, it will work.
  3. When prompted to run the configuration tool, type y.
  4. Read the product license agreement. Type q to close it.
    Tip: You can use the space bar to advance a screen at a time.
  5. If you accept the license terms, type y.
  6. In the CollabNet TeamForge configuration tool, choose Dynamic Networking (DHCP) or Static Networking (Static IP):
    • Dynamic networking is useful for a one-person trial installation. It is quick and easy, but email integration with TeamForge will not work correctly.
      Note: If your IP address changes, you may also have to reconfigure source control.
    • Static networking is best if you are evaluating CollabNet TeamForge with a team, or if you already have a license and intend to use TeamForge to support your team.

      To configure static networking, you will need to get a static IP address and hostname from your network administrator, and specify your network settings when prompted.

      Tip: In this case, it's also a good idea to run TeamForge in VMware Player on a dedicated machine.
    The networking for TeamForge is restarted.
  7. Specify your outgoing email (SMTP) server.
    • For a one-person evaluation, accept the default value.
    • If you have a CollabNet TeamForge license and intend to send email outside of your firewall, use the SMTP server settings provided by your network administrator.
      Note: Depending on your corporate email configuration, your system administrator may need to permit TeamForge to send mail to the corporate mail server.
  8. Choose whether to run CollabNet TeamForge at startup.
    • Choose “Yes” to start CollabNet TeamForge automatically whenever you start the TeamForge VMware image.
    • Choose “No” to require a manual CollabNet TeamForge startup whenever you start the TeamForge VMware image.
  9. At the prompt, click Enter to start your CollabNet TeamForge site.
    Note: Startup can take several minutes, depending on the speed of the host system. On some slower systems, you may get a false failure message from JBoss, like this: jboss (app) (localhost:8080) ............................failed to start in 600 seconds, giving up now. Please check the log: /opt/collabnet/teamforge/log/apps/service.log FAILED

    This can safely be ignored.

    Tip: From now on, you can stop and restart TeamForge using these commands:
    • /etc/init.d/httpd stop
    • /etc/init.d/collabnet stop
    • /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.3 stop
    • /etc/init.d/httpd start
    • /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.3 start
    • /etc/init.d/collabnet start
  10. This step is valid if you are setting up a production environment.
    1. Stop TeamForge.
      • /etc/init.d/collabnet stop all
    2. Add a 'DOMAIN_localhost' token in the site-options.conf file.
      • vi /opt/collabnet/teamforge-installer/
    3. Recreate the runtime environment.
      • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge-installer/
      • ./ -r -n -I -V
    4. Start TeamForge and run the script.
      • /etc/init.d/collabnet start
      • /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts/

Integrate Binaries with VMWare

To access Binaries from a project, configure the TeamForge VMWare image in the following way:

  1. Export the following environment variables:
    export COLLAB_HOME=/opt/collabnet
    export APP_DIR="/opt/collabnet/integrations/collabnet-binary-"
    export PATH=$APP_DIR/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/bin:$COLLAB_HOME/ruby/bin/:$PATH
    export GEM_HOME=$APP_DIR/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.1.0/
    export ENVIRONMENT=production
    export RAILS_ENV=production
    export RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT='/iaf/'
  2. Open config/settings.yml.
    • vi /opt/collabnet/integrations/collabnet-binary-
  3. Configure the following in the production section:
    Note: Depending on how you have configured your VMware, (with the IP address or the domain name), the ctf_base_url and iaf_host_url values need to be specified.
    • ctf_base_url: '<IP address or domain_name of VMware instance>'

    For example, if you have configured your VMware with the IP address, the value is: ctf_base_url: ''

    • iaf_host_url: '<IP address or domain_name of VMware instance>'
    • iaf_app_name: 'Binaries'
    • app_url_prefix: 'binary'
  4. Restart Binaries.
    • /etc/init.d/collabnet restart binary
  5. Run the following script from the location, /opt/collabnet/integrations/collabnet-binary-
    • bin/ctf_configure -u<site admin username> -p<site admin password> -e

    For example, bin/ctf_configure -uadmin -padmin -e

  6. Log into your new site with the user name admin and the password admin. The URL for your site is the IP address or domain name provided in the Linux console at the end of the installation process.
    Note: You will have to change your administrator password when you first log in.

Configure the CLI Jobs Linked Application's URL

Important: Configure the CLI Jobs linked application's URL only if the site option token HOST_localhost is configured as "localhost" in the site-options.conf file.

  1. After logging on to TeamForge, click the Projects tab.
  2. Click the Look project.
  3. Click PROJECT ADMIN in the project navigation bar.
  4. Click Project Toolbar from the Project Admin Menu.
  5. Select the Linked Applications tab.
  6. Select the CLI Jobs linked application's check box and click Edit.
  7. Modify the URL: Replace the "localhost" with the hostname or IP address of the computer that hosts the TeamForge application.
  8. Click Save.
Note: To track the ETL job failures, configure the token SOAP_ANONYMOUS_SHARED_SECRET in site-options.conf and re-create runtime. This token sends notifications when the ETL job fails. For more details, refer to: SOAP_ANONYMOUS_SHARED_SECRET.