Create a task

Create a task when you identify a unit of work that you want to track to completion as part of your project.

Tip: You can also create tasks by synchronizing task data with Microsoft Project.
  1. Click TASKS in the project navigation bar.
  2. On the Task Summary page, go to the task folder in which you want to create the task.
  3. Click Create.
  4. On the Create Task page, provide a name and description for the task.
  5. Assign the task a priority between 1 (highest) and 5 (lowest).
  6. Assign the task to an individual. Click the people icon to list the project members to whom you can assign the task.
  7. Assign the task a status.
    • Not Started
    • OK
    • Warning
    • Alert
    • Complete
  8. Give the task a start and end date. Click the calendar icon to select dates.
  9. In the ESTIMATED HOURS field, write the time you think is needed to complete the task.
  10. Specify whether the time estimate is based on a five-day or seven-day calendar.
    Note: Choose a seven-day calendar to assign a start or end date that falls on on a weekend.
  11. Click Save.