Back up CollabNet TeamForge data
Save a copy of your TeamForge site's data to a location from where you can quickly retrieve it to your TeamForge8.0 site.
Set up an Oracle database
To use an Oracle database for your TeamForge data, set up the Oracle database and tell the installer how to handle it.
Permit big file uploads
When many users store very large files on your site, you may sometimes notice a slowdown in your site's performance. You can reduce the impact of such a use pattern by telling TeamForge not to index files larger than a certain size.
Allow searching of archive files
By default, users can't search the content of archive files uploaded to TeamForge, such as zip, tar, or docx files. If your users need it, you can provide this ability.
Limit the size of message attachments
To avoid overtaxing your mail server or your storage volume, you may want to set a ceiling on the size of the attachments that users can send to a forum via email.
Limit the size of document attachments
When many users store very large documents on your site, you may sometimes notice a slowdown in your site's performance. You can reduce the impact of such a use pattern by telling TeamForge not to attach documents larger than a certain size.
Who can post to discussions by email?
To help reduce the risk of spam or other mischief, you may need to limit the users who can post to discussion forums by email.
Let users see what's in a project template
Help your site's project administrators choose a project template by enabling them to see the contents of the templates that are available.
Provide a Perforce source control server
Enabling your users to integrate Perforce repositories into their TeamForge projects requires some extra configuration.