If you have registered Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates, your site's users can
use SSL when they set up an SCM integration server.
If you use certificates that are generated in-house, self-signed, or signed by a
non-established Certificate Authority, they must be registered with each client system
that will connect to the
TeamForge server. Registration
consists of importing custom certificates into the Java runtime's global keystore on
each server.
Important: This will affect any other Java applications on the
server that use the same Java runtime.
Collect server certificates from all servers.
On RHEL, CentOS and other RedHat-based distributions, these are contained in
Tip: Be
sure to use exactly this path, as there are other files with similar names,
plus server certificates are not really secret, but some other files are.
So, files must be copied (e.g., via scp) to the same directory, and renamed
if necessary to avoid clashes. We recommend that you use the short server
name of the corresponding server for this.
Locate the Java keystore.
This is PATH_TO_JAVA/jre/lib/security/cacerts.
For example, this may be
Locate the Java keytool utility.
This is PATH_TO_JAVA/bin/keytool
For example,
Import each server certificate into the keystore.
PATH_TO_JAVA/bin/keytool -import -keystore
PATH_TO_JAVA/jre/lib/security/cacerts -file
<server>.crt -alias <server>
Note: Any value is accepted for server in -alias
At the password prompt, use changeit.
Confirm that you trust the certificate by typing
Verify that all your certificates are added.
PATH_TO_JAVA/bin/keytool -list -keystore
PATH_TO_JAVA/jre/lib/security/cacerts |less
Note: The list will contain many more certificates. These are top-level CA
certificates, provided with Java.
Update /etc/sourceforge.properties to enable secure communication.
Set sfmain.integration.listener_ssl to
Set sfmain.integration.listener_port to
If you are running more than one separate server, repeat these steps for each
Restart TeamForge
Now you can check the Use SSL checkbox when creating an SCM