Create a new user account
To participate in a CollabNetTeamForge site, a person must have a user account on that site. CollabNetTeamForge administrators can create these user accounts. This topic applies to sites with no LDAP authentication.
Create multiple user accounts
To participate in a TeamForge site, a person must have a user account on that site. TeamForge administrators can provide access to multiple users by creating their accounts together.
Create a user group
To manage multiple users at once, create a group that represents them.
Reset the admin account password
If your TeamForge installation authenticates against an LDAP directory, follow these instructions to reset your admin account password.
License information
You can obtain a summary of the license information from the License Info page.
View all roles assigned to a user
A user can have multiple roles in different projects either by being directly assigned those roles or by inheriting them. You might find it useful to see all the roles assigned to a user in a TeamForge site before adding or removing a role.