Make selected users additional site administrators

You can empower site users to assist in site administration by giving them a suitable role.

Depending upon the permissions you grant via site-wide roles, you can select site users who could be granted the privilege.
  1. Click Admin in the site navigation bar.
  2. On the site administration navigation bar, click ROLES. The existing site-wide roles are listed.
  3. Click the role that you want to assign to the site users.
  4. On the Edit Site-wide Role Permissions page, click the ASSIGNED USERS tab. All users who currently have the role are displayed.
  5. Click Add.
  6. In the Find a User window, select the site users you want to add, and move them from the Found Users list to the Selected Users list. Click Add.
    Note: You can search by full or partial user name or full name to find the desired site members.
  7. Click OK.
The additional site administrators are now ready to act! Their names are added to the Assigned Users list.