Create a release

A release is a group of one or more files that are published as a unit.

Before creating a release, you must have a package into which your release will go.
  1. Click FILE RELEASES in the project navigation bar.
  2. On the File Release Summary page, click the title of the package in which you want to create the release.
  3. On the List Releases page, click Add.
  4. On the Create Release page, provide a name and description for the release.
  5. Set the status of the release.
    Releases with pending status are not visible in the drop-down lists displayed when you set Reported In Release and Fixed In Release fields in an artifact. Use Pending status when you have created a release but have not yet finished adding files.
    Releases with active status are visible in the drop-down lists displayed when you set Reported In Release and Fixed In Release fields in an artifact.
  6. Identify the maturity level of this release.
  7. Click Save.
The release is created. You can begin adding files.
Tip: To facilitate tracking, you may want to match this release to the planning folder that tracks the work that's going into the release. If you do that, the relevant work items will automatically appear on the PLANNED TRACKER ARTIFACT tab. See Create a planning folder.