Install Git integration on a separate server

In this option, we install the GIT integration services on a separate server.

In this option, the following service runs on the Git server (we call this
Note: For the ETL service to run as expected in a distributed TeamForge installation, all servers must have the same time zone.

Log on to the server as root user always.

Do this on the Git server. We'll call this

  1. Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS 7.0 or later versions and log in as root.
    Important: Don't customize your installation. Select only the default packages list.
  2. Check your basic networking setup. See Set up networking for your TeamForge server for details.
  3. If the Git server has SELinux enabled, disable it temporarily while installing or upgrading Git.
    1. Verify if SELinux is running in enforcing mode.
      • getenforce
    2. If the output of the getenforce command is either "Disabled" or "Permissive", SELinux is already disabled.
    3. If not disabled, run the following command to disable SELinux.
      • setenforce 0
  4. Upgrade the operating system packages.
    • yum upgrade
  5. Reboot the server.
    • reboot
  6. Configure your TeamForge 8.0 installation repository. See TeamForge installation repository configuration for Red Hat/CentOS.
  7. Install the Git packages.
    • yum install teamforge-git
  8. Configure the token settings for Git in the site-options.conf file.
    • vi /opt/collabnet/teamforge-installer/
    1. Modify the host token settings.
      Note: If you choose not to use the application server's site-options.conf file, then don't forget to copy the value of AUTO_DATA token from the application server. database datamart etl indexer subversion cvs binary
    2. To enable the history protection feature of TeamForge Git integration, set the GERRIT_FORCE_HISTORY_PROTECTION=true. For more information, see GERRIT_FORCE_HISTORY_PROTECTION.
    3. Turn on the SSL for your site by editing the relevant variables in the site-options.conf file. To generate the SSL certificates, see Generate SSL certificates.
      • SSL=on
      • SSL_KEY_FILE
      Note: The SSL_CA_CERT_FILE and SSL_CHAIN_FILE are optional.
    4. Make sure the PostgreSQL tokens in the site-options.conf file are set as recommended in the following topic: What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
    5. Save the site-options.conf file.
  9. Recreate the runtime environment.
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge-installer/
    • ./ -r -I -V
  10. Run the TeamForge post installation script. For more information, see
    • /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts/
Important: Configuring James if Git is on a separate server: See James configuration if Git is on a separate server.

Installing TeamForge Orchestrate

To install TeamForge Orchestrate, see TeamForge Orchestrate installation.