You can uninstall the current release and install a new build of the same CollabNet
TeamForge release without touching your site's
Replacing an instance of TeamForge with a new build of the same release on the same
hardware is known as "point upgrading."
Point upgrading is a partial application of
the process for upgrading to a new release. For comparison, see Upgrade to TeamForge 8.0.
Log on to the server as root user
Stop TeamForge.
- Stop PostgreSQL on RHEL/Centos:
- Stop PostgreSQL on SUSE:
- Stop TeamForge:
/etc/init.d/collabnet stop
Install the TeamForge
Run the installer.
- cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge-installer/
Note: Make sure the token SCM_DEFAULT_SHARED_SECRET is
present in the site-options.conf.
Start TeamForge.
- /etc/init.d/collabnet