Move the datamart (dedicated database server mode)

In this task, we move the PostgreSQL datamart from its own instance to a separate box in the dedicated database server mode.

  1. Stop TeamForge on the app box. If this is a multi-box scenario, stop TeamForge on all other boxes as well.
    • [RUNTIME_DIR]/scripts/collabnet stop
  2. Do a dump of the PostgreSQL datamart. su - postgres -c 'pg_dump -C -p <database-port > <reports-database-name > <path-to-dump-file>
  3. Create a new datamart instance using the or follow the instructions below in the database box.
    • su - postgres
    • initdb -D /var/lib/pgsql/9.0/reports
  4. Set the REPORTS_DATABASE_PORT in site-options.conf
    Note: The port should use the same value as specified in postgresql.conf as specified in the previous step. The recommended value is 5632.
  5. Re-create the [RUNTIME_DIR]in all the boxes.
    • -r -d /opt/collabnet/teamforge
  6. Restore the datamart into the new instance.
    • [RUNTIME_DIR]/scripts/ -a restore -t reporting -f <dump-location>
  7. Copy the postgresql-9.0 script from runtime scripts and replace /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.0
  8. Restore the datamart from the database box.
    • su - postgres -c 'psql -p <reports-database-port> <path-to-dump-file>
    Note: Restart the Postgres service. If any warning messages are displayed, kill the service and start again.
  9. Start the database in the database box.
    • /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.0 start
  10. Start the services in all boxes.
    • [RUNTIME_DIR]/scripts/collabnet start all
  11. Check if the existing data appears in charts.
  12. Permanently remove the old datamart from the TeamForge instance.
    • su - postgres -c 'dropdb <datamart-name> -p <database-port>'