Release date: 08 Jul, 2016
This release is targeted for TeamForge 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2.
- Show "HTTP Password" Gerrit user settings option when
auth.httpPasswordSettingsEnabled is set to
true - default (8.6.1-11).
- Fixed replication when an exclusive flag is used outside of the protected
branches section (8.6.1-11).
- Fixed encoding project name (when it contains a "/" for instance) if "History
Protection" and "Notifications" options are selected (8.6.1-10).
- Enable SSHD NIO2 backend by default: Gerrit offers two SSHD backends (MINA and
NIO2). NIO2, despite having reporting issue (displays wrong user start and
session idle times), is more stable even with heavy loads. MINA, in the long
term, tends to create 'zombie' connections that one is not able to close (issue
described here) (8.6.1-9).
- Keep Gerrit repositories hierarchy when
teamforge.syncTeamForgeProjectHierarchy Gerrit
configuration parameter is set to false. The hierarchy of
Gerrit repositories managed by TeamForge is no longer flattened to single
'TF-Projects' parent. The structure is preserved and only top repositories are
re-parented (8.6.1-8).
- Fixed Submit permission for ScmAdmin in pull_reqest category: Relaxed the rules
for ScmAdmin role for "pull_request" repository category so that "push for
review with submit" functionality can be used (8.6.1-7).
- Align Gerrit web session timeout with TeamForge session timeout: Each time is run, Gerrit web session timeout is
aligned with TeamForge session timeout (8.6.1-7).