Questions about installing version
8.6.x of the
TeamForge–Git integration.
- What are the requirements for running the installer?
Note: In addition, you will need a non-expiring, non-lockable TeamForge user account with site
administrator permissions
- Do I need to shut down any TeamForge
services to run the
Git integration
- As long as you don't change any of the TeamForge site options, you don't need to
stop any TeamForge services. If you
change TeamForge site options, you
will need to rebuild the TeamForge
runtime which will require a restart of all TeamForge services.
- How do I disable Gravatar support from the
TeamForge–Git integration?
- If you have installed version 7.0.2 (or later) of
CollabNet's customized
Gitweb-caching, Gravatar support is enabled by default. To disable this support
site-wide, comment out the following lines (by including a # at the beginning of
each line) in the file
'avatar' => {
'sub' => \&feature_avatar,
'override' => 0,
'default' => ['gravatar']},