TeamForge17.4 supports integrations with
third-party tools for versioning, reviewing,
source code,
binary repository
and test management.
Install Nexus
The following instructions are for installing Nexus Open Source version 2.9.0 or later as a stand-alone server and integrating it with TeamForge 17.4.
Install Artifactory Pro
The following instructions are for installing Artifactory Pro4.7 as a stand-alone server and integrating it with TeamForge 17.4.
TeamForge EventQ JIRA Integration: an overview
The TeamForge EventQ JIRA integration enhances further the extensible toolchain model of TeamForge by offering association and traceability between JIRA, TeamForge, and various orchestrated third-party tools. The TeamForge EventQ JIRA adapter enables JIRA as an alternative tracker for use with TeamForge by detecting and storing associations between JIRA issues and TeamForge managed SCM activities, like commits, builds and so on.
TeamForge-TestLink integration TestLink is a web-based Test Management system that supports all the various components and processes involved in a testing process. Using TestLink, you can create test specifications, execute test cases, create custom reports, generate test plan metrics and so on.
Set up Pebble
Pebble is a blogging application that has been enhanced to support quick and easy integration with TeamForge.
Authenticate your integrated application with TeamForge
To help third party developers write integrated applications, CollabNet provides an SDK. At the heart of the SDK is the IntegratedAppSupport helper class. You use IntegratedAppSupport to authenticate integrated application requests with TeamForge, and provide context information for subsequent processing of forms and links within the application.