The software configuration management (SCM) service

The ScmApp service handles the activities and items associated with integrated software configuration management (SCM) applications.

Some examples of activities that are managed by the ScmApp service are:

After authenticating the user through the CollabNet service, you can access the ScmApp service to work with integrated SCM applications.

Detailed information

For a complete description of each method, including its parameter definitions and SOAP faults, see the JavaDoc for the software configuration management service.


The WSDL for this service is available on your TeamForge site at https://<>/ce-soap60/services/ScmApp?wsdl. For example, here's the copy on the CollabNet web site:

SCM Adapter

The SCM Adapter allows you to develop integrations with almost any SCM tool, then exchange commit data with CollabNet TeamForge . An SCM Adapter option is added to the Type menu on the CollabNet TeamForge Create Integration page. Use this option to add your SCM integration server to CollabNet TeamForge .

Note: The SCM Adapter option is always available, but will work only if you have developed an integration with an SCM tool using the CollabNet TeamForge API.
After you have created an SCM integration using the CollabNet TeamForge API, you will use the Commit Tool provided with CollabNet TeamForge to transmit your commit data to CollabNet TeamForge .

New and changed methods

Refer to the Change History section on the ScmApp service Javadoc for a list of new and changed methods.