The project pages service

The PageApp service handles the activities and items associated with project pages.

The project pages feature enables project owners to customize their project home by creating their own custom pages. Multiple pages can be added, and these pages can be assembled into a hierarchy, browseable via a "tree" navigation on the left side of the projectʹs home. The content of each page can be customized by adding components of various types, such as Text, News, and Document Folder.

Some examples of activities that are managed by the PageApp service are:

Detailed information

For a complete description of each method, including its parameter definitions and SOAP faults, see the JavaDoc for the project pages service.


The WSDL for this service is available on your TeamForge site at https://<>/ce-soap60/services/PageApp?wsdl. For example, here's the copy on the CollabNet web site:

New and changed methods

Refer to the Change History section on the PageApp service Javadoc for a list of new and changed methods.