You may encounter these problems when using TeamForge EventQ:
- Certain activities appear grayed-out and I cannot get an activity's detail information
- TeamForge EventQ sometimes learns about certain activities through an association
reference before the details of the activity are officially reported by the source.
Such activities are termed Phantom Activities and appear grayed-out temporarily.
Once TeamForge EventQ receives information on this activity it creates a regular Details
page and everything goes back to normal. Traceability graphs include these activities, but
you cannot click on the commit nodes to get commit details.
- Activities may be perpetually grayed-out when TeamForge EventQ is unable to
retrieve activity information such as:
- Activity details of events that occurred before TeamForge EventQ was
started — TeamForge EventQ begins to gather data from configured
sources as soon as those connections are established, but cannot
retrieve historical activity data.
- Activities that occurred during system down-time — In
unusual circumstances such as power outage or network failure,
TeamForge EventQ may never receive information about activities
that occurred during such events.
- Activities in the Activity stream appear out of chronological sequence
- Solve this problem by synchronizing the clocks on servers that report
data to TeamForge EventQ. The Activity stream shows activities in
reverse chronological sequence. EventQ obtains the time stamp
for activities from the originating server. Failure to synchronize the clocks
of the various servers reporting data to TeamForge EventQ may result in
activities that appear out of sequence. On Unix systems, use NTP or similar
services to synchronize server clocks.