Released on: 06
TeamForge 16.7 version history
- TeamForge 16.7 GA: 16.7.795-26 (07/29/2016)
- TeamForge 16.7 Update 1: 16.7.795-28 (08/16/2016)
- TeamForge 16.7 Update 2: 16.7.836-47 (09/15/2016)
- TeamForge 16.7 Update 3: 16.7.866-65 (11/15/2016)
- TeamForge 16.7 Update 4:
About TeamForge 16.7 Update 4
Fixed issues
- Fixed an issue with Gerrit that prevented successful Gerrit
- mod_authnz_ctf module has
been updated to fix an issue with SVN repository access control/PBPs.
- Fixed an issue to prevent
ETL failure caused by the
AbortMembershipMissing error.
- Fixed an issue with EventQ
that broke icons and artifact links in EventQ Activity Stream.
- Inline-editing of an artifact status (that has a workflow configured)
resulted in the workflow being applied universally to the rest of the
artifact statuses in the list, which is now fixed.
- Gerrit upgrade: Supports Gerrit 2.13.6.