X-headers are special instructions that that are added to many email messages. Messages that come from your TeamForge site have X-headers describing the purpose of the email, the event that triggered it, and lots of other information.
You can use these X-headers to sort and filter emails sent by TeamForge.
X-header | Example | Description |
X-TeamForge-Application | Tracker | Application, if applicable. Values include Documents, Wiki, Source Code, TeamForge, Tasks, Tracker, Discussion, File Releases. |
X-TeamForge-Artifact-Monitoring | true | For artifacts, true if the user is monitoring the artifact directly. If value is false, you are monitoring the folder, not the artifact. |
X-TeamForge-AssignedTo | admin | User assigned to artifact or task. |
X-TeamForge-CommitPath | /path/to/my/branch | For Subversion commit emails: reports the greatest common path of all files in the commit. For example, if you modify the paths /a/b/file1 and /a/c/file2, the value of the X-TeamForge-CommitPath header is /a. If you modify /a/b/file1 and /file2, the value is / (the root path of the repository). |
X-TeamForge-FolderId | tracker1005 | If the object is a folder, the object’s ID, or the ID of the object’s container. |
X-TeamForge-Forum | New user forum | For posts, this is the forum title. |
X-TeamForge-PlanningFolder | /path/to/my/folder | The path to a planning folder. |
X-TeamForge-ProjectId | proj1006 | Project ID, if applicable. |
X-TeamForge-ServerName | collab.net | Hostname portion of TeamForge URL. |
X-TeamForge-Status | Open | Status of artifacts, tasks, documents, and document reviews. Values
X-TeamForge-Type | Artifact | The type of the object, if applicable. Values include Tracker, Artifact, Document Folder, Document, Document Version, Wiki Page, Wiki Page Version, Task Folder, Task, FRS Package, FRS Release, Discussion Forum, Discussion Topic, SCM Repository, SCM Commit. |