The script prepares the datamart data for new installations.


Important: This script is only for new datamart installations. If you run it on a site that already has reporting data, all data will be wiped.

The success and error messages from this script are written to the [log_file_directory]/runtime/bootstrap.log file.


Run this script as follows:


The following options are available for the script:

-h | --help
Provides a list of all available options for this script.
-n | --non-interactive
Runs the script in a non-interactive mode. The script will fail with an error message when used with this option if an existing [REPORTS_DATA_DIR] is located. You can use the -F option to force bootstrapping on sites that have an existing [REPORTS_DATA_DIR].
-F | --force
This option is only valid when the -n option is used. This option forces the bootstrapping of data when a [DATA_DIR] exists.
-V | --verbose
Writes all script actions to the screen. Without this option the script runs silently and logs messages to the [log_file_directory]/runtime/bootstrap.log file.
-q | --quiet
Do not show script output.

Cluster location

This script runs on the application server.