TeamForge EventQ Commits API

Submission parameters

Submission queue
  • queue_name: eventq.commits
  • auto_delete: false
  • durable: true
Parameter Required/Optional Description
api_version Required A string that matches the API version this document is for.
source_association_key Required A key generated by TeamForge EventQ that links incoming commit messages with the appropriate source server.
Example: "source_association_key": "31e8dd90-164f-0130-c4d0-406c8f04c05d"
commit_data Required The commit.
commit_data - The following fields should be in this commit post.
Field Required/Optional Description
repo_id Optional A unique identifier for this repository. For example, the repo UUID.
revision_id Required A unique identifier for the commit action (eg., revision number or commit id).
branch_name Optional Identifier for the applicable repository branch.
type Required A string representing the activity type.

Accepted values

post-commit - A commit has been completed.

message Optional The message associated with this activity.
changes Optional An array of changed items. Required information about affected paths (an array of hashes).

Accepted values

  • path (Required) - A string with the relative path to the file that created, modified, etc.
  • action (Required) - A string representing the action.
    • added - Added
    • deleted - Deleted
    • modified - Modified
    • props_modified - File properties (not contents) modified
    • type_changed - Type changed (e.g., from 'file' to 'symlink', 'symlink' to 'directory', etc.)
    • copied - Path is copied from another source
    • renamed - Path is renamed from another source
  • from (Optional) - If the activity is a copy or rename, the path from which it was copied or renamed (if it can be determined or inferred with some accuracy; this is not guaranteed to be absolutely correct)
event_time Required A string containing a timestamp in UTC timezone and RFC 3339 format.
created_by Required The user name of the person who took the action.


The following code examples are Copyright 2015 CollabNet, Inc., licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this code except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at []

Sample Submission JSON
      "api_version": "1",
      "source_association_key" : "150e8951-19e1-4066-8b74-601026dd6cde",
      "commit_data" : {
        "repo_id": "390e8951-19e1-4066-8b74-601026dd6cde",
        "revision_id": "2315",
        "branch_name": "master",
        "type": "post_commit",
        "message": "here's my commit [orc-277]",
        "changes": [
          { "path": "/source/file/1", "action": "modified" },
          { "path": "/source/file/2", "action": "added" },
          { "path": "/source/file/3", "action": "deleted" },
          { "path": "/source/file/4", "action": "modified" },
          { "path": "/source/file/4", "action": "props_modified" }
        "event_time": "2012-10-02T17:15:32.320Z",
        "created_by": "username"
Ruby Submission Example
You will need to change the following example before you can run it. Set the Rabbit MQ hostname and the association key, and paste a JSON block following the commit format specified on this page.
require 'amqp'

      QUEUE = 'eventq.commits'
      COMMIT = '{
        "api_version": "1",
        "source_association_key" : "150e8951-19e1-4066-8b74-601026dd6cde",
        "commit_data" : {
          "repo_id": "390e8951-19e1-4066-8b74-601026dd6cde",
          "revision_id": "2315",
          "branch_name": "master",
          "type": "post_commit",
          "message": "here\'s my commit [orc-277]",
          "changes": [
            { "path": "/source/file/1", "action": "modified" },
            { "path": "/source/file/2", "action": "added" },
            { "path": "/source/file/3", "action": "deleted" },
            { "path": "/source/file/4", "action": "modified" },
            { "path": "/source/file/4", "action": "props_modified" }
          "event_time": "2012-10-02T17:15:32.320Z",
          "created_by": "username"

      # Event loop do
        connection = AMQP.connect('amqp://guest:guest@example-mq')

        # Set up our RabbitMQ information
        channel =
        queue = channel.queue(QUEUE, :auto_delete => false, durable: true)
        exchange ='')

        # Publish the activity and exit the loop
        exchange.publish COMMIT, :routing_key => do
          connection.disconnect {EventMachine.stop}