Create a tracker work flow

To channel project members' work on tracker items, set up rules for how a tracker item can move forward.

Before creating a tracker work flow, see that these criteria are met:
A work flow is a sequence of changes from one status to another. You can define status transitions for any combination of tracker statuses in the tracker.
  1. Click PROJECT ADMIN from the Project Home menu.
  2. Click Tracker Settings.
  3. From the list of existing trackers, select a tracker.
  4. Click the WORKFLOW tab. The Workflow page lists all of your status values and the tracker workflow that you have configured.
  5. On the Workflow page, click the status value for which you want to create a workflow.
  6. On the Edit Field Transition page, select a status value from the Create Transition to Status drop-down menu.
    Note: By default, the Any workflow is shown. This means that you are defining workflow rules for the transition from the status that you selected to any other status.
  7. Click Add. A new work flow is added. The Any work flow is changed to Remaining Statuses.
  8. In the ROLES TO MAKE THIS TRANSITION section, specify which users can make this change. For example, only users with the QA Engineer role are allowed to change artifacts from Open to Cannot Reproduce.
  9. In the REQUIREDFIELD(S) FOR STATUSTRANSITION section, select the fields for which the user must provide values. For example, the user must assign the tracker item to someone and enter a comment.
    • Fields that are already required do not appear in this list.
    • Fields whose values depend on a required parent field are automatically required. (See Help users select options in a tracker artifact for more on parent and child fields.)
  10. Click Save.
The work flow is now saved. When a user submits or edits the status of a tracker artifact, he or she sees only the options that are allowed by the work flow.