Use an existing MongoDB installation

Follow this process if you wish to use an existing MongoDB server with TeamForge EventQ.

This article provides installation instructions if you wish to use an existing MongoDB server with TeamForge EventQ. Follow the installation instructions in EventQ installation walk-through until it refers you to this article. After following instructions here, continue with EventQ installation walk-through, picking up with the RabbitMQ section.
  1. Install MongoDB or use an existing installation.
    > Do you have an existing MongoDB system you would like to use? [No]:

    The following steps assume you answer "Yes". If your answer is "No", skip these steps and refer to the primary installation guide: EventQ installation walk-through.

  2. Determine whether your MongoDB is clustered.
    > Is your MongoDB clustered (replset) [No]:

    Answer "Yes" here if your MongoDB database is using sharding, which distributes a single logical database system across a cluster of machines. Answer "No" here if your MongDB runs on a single machine.

    1. If your MongoDB is clustered, provide hosts.
      > What are the hostnames and ports for your Mongo cluster nodes (comma-separated):

      Enter the server and port for each MongDB server in your cluster.,
    2. If your MongoDB is a single host, provide hostname
      > What is the hostname for your mongo server [localhost]:

      Enter the name of the server where your existing MongoDB server is currently running.

    3. If your MongoDB is a single host, provide port number.
      > What port is MongoDB running on [27017]:

      Enter the port being used by your existing MongoDB server. The default here is the standard port used by MongoDB.

  3. Provide a database name for TeamForge EventQ use.
    > What is the name of the database you wish to use [eventq]:

    Enter the name of the database to use. This name must be unique within your existing MongoDB server; use a name that is currently unused.

  4. Provide a MongoDB user for accessing the TeamForge EventQ database.
    > What username should we use to connect to this database [collabnet-mongodb]:

    Enter a username to use when EventQ makes connections to the database server.

    If this user does not currently exist you need to create this user for the specified database.

    1. To add the user to your existing MongoDB, connect to your MongDB server using the mongo shell as an admin user that can create databases and users.
    2. Run the following command.
      • db.getSiblingDB('<Database for EventQ>').addUser({user: 'USER', pwd: 'PASS', roles: ['readWrite', 'dbAdmin']})
      • Replace <Database for EventQ> with the database name you specified for the database in the previous installer question.
      • Replace USER with the username you chose in the previous installer question.
      • Replace PASS with the password you chose in the previous installer question.
    Continue with EventQ installation walk-through, picking up with the RabbitMQ section.