Define a Rule

The ActionHub rules editor allows you to easily define new rules to drive your development processes. Selecting ActionHub from the TeamForge tools menu displays a list of currently defined rules.

  1. From the TeamForge tools menu, choose Project Home > Projects.
  2. Choose your project from the navigation section. Your project's statistics page displays.
  3. From the TeamForge tools menu, choose Project Home > ActionHub. The Rules page displays.
  4. In the Rules section, click Create. The Create Rule page displays.
  5. In the Rule Name field, enter the name given to the rule that will be displayed in the rules list and in notifications generated by the rule. Enter meaningful attributes into this field to describe what the rule does. This will make it easier to understand in lists and notifications.
  6. For the Rule Enabled option, click the checkbox to enable or disable the rule. Disabling a rule prevents it from being processed by the ActionHub rules engine.
  7. In the Rule Description field, enter a detailed description describing the purpose of the rule.Include as much detail as possible to help another person understand the rule. For example, the description may include details about the parameters defined for the action on the target system.
  8. From the Source list, select the source system from where the event will be generated. The SOURCE drop down will display a list of all systems defined in TeamForge EventQ. These source systems generate events which may match the rule being defined. Selecting the source system also tells the editor the type of event generated by the system such as commit, build, deploy, review, health and more. This allows the editor to understand the format of the message and make it easy to create the criteria for the rule.
  9. In the Criteria field, define the criteria for what events should match the rule.When a rule is first created it has a default criteria of Matches Any condition. This means it will match any event generated by the source system. To modify the condition, click the Matches Any link and select Edit Condition from the menu. The Edit Condition dialog box displays allowing you to modify the condition.
  10. From the Target list, select the target system to invoke action. The TARGET drop down will display a list of all target workflow systems defined in TeamForge EventQ. After selecting a target system, the ACTION drop-down list will be populated with actions available for the event type defined by the SOURCE system.
  11. From the Action drop-down list, select the action to take for the defined event. The Action drop-down will display all available actions on the target workflow system based on the event type of the Source system. After selecting an action, the PARAMETERS table will be populated with parameters required by the action. Refer to the documentation for the action in the target workflow system for purpose of each parameter. If the selected Action requires input, the Parameters table will be populated with the required parameters.
  12. In the Parameters table, specify the appropriate value for each parameter. Since each action is different, refer to the documentation for the action in the target workflow system for the purpose of each input parameter.
  13. Click Save. The new rule is created.