
Add a profile to the system.

The following conditions must hold for a profile to be added by name:

The following conditions must hold for a profile to be uploaded:




This method requires authentication using an API key.


can_users_modify ( Required, once )
Set this to True if user's with Root Access or better should be able to make modifications to the project. If set to False, only the owning user and users with Project Admin access (or better) will be able to modify the profile.
Type: String
is_prebuilt ( Required, once )
Set this to True if this profile a VMWare or other prebuilt image, False if this profile is installed via a network install method.
Type: String
is_public ( Required, once )
If the profile is public (i.e can be built by any project). Valid values are True or False.
Type: String
owner ( zero or once )
Lab Management user that this profile will be associated with. The user must be a member of the owning project in order to be able to modify the profile. If unset, this profile will not belong to any particular user.
Type: String
profile_file ( zero or once )
The filename of a profile to be uploaded. The specified file must:
  1. Exist on your local system.
  2. Contain a valid profile name. Profile names can only contain letters, numbers, underscores ("_"), and dashes ("-"). Profile names are case sensitive.
  3. Not currently exist as a profile name on the system.
  4. Be a valid XML file, and contain all the needed attributes for a Lab Management profile.
profile_name ( zero or once )
The name of a profile that already exists in Lab Management's Subversion Repository.
Type: String
project ( zero or once )
Project that will own this profile. If unset, this profile will not belong to any particular project.
Type: String
sig ( Required, once )
API authentication hash signature.
Type: String
summary ( Required, once )
Summary of the purpose of this profile.
Type: String
userid ( Required, once )
The login name of the user initiating the request.
Type: String

Example Response

    Successful addition of the profile rhel3_base:
    <?xml version='1.0'?>
    <cubit version='1'>

    If the user is unauthorized:
    <?xml version='1.0'?>
    <cubit version='1'>
        <error>Failed to add profile rhel3_base.</error>
        <output>User 'userid' does not have Domain Admin rights.</output>

Response Codes