How do URLs in CollabNet TeamForge 16.3 compare with URLs in CollabNet Enterprise Edition?

The URLs in CollabNet TeamForge 16.3 and CollabNet Enterprise Edition are not exactly the same, but they can be made to work together.

Any bookmarks you have saved in CollabNet Enterprise Edition projects can now be accessed from within CollabNet TeamForge 16.3.

CollabNet Enterprise Edition URLs that specify item identifiers, such as artifact ID, document ID or discussion post ID, are specified are routed to the exact item page in CollabNet TeamForge 16.3. However, CollabNet Enterprise Edition URLs that do not have exact item identifiers may be routed to the tool's main page or project home page. As an example, link to CollabNet Enterprise Edition's specific post ID is redirected to the exact post ID page whereas, the link to a discussion forum may be re-directed to the Discussions>Forum Summary page.

Note: If any of your bookmarked CollabNet Enterprise Edition URLs are not routed to the CollabNet TeamForge 16.3 URLs, contact your system administrator.

Only the URLs listed here will work the same way in TeamForge 16.3 as in CollabNet Enterprise Edition. You may need to change some other URLs manually and communicate the changes to your site members. For example, there may be a form submission to enter Project Tracker artifacts which may look like: /servlets/tracking/action/CreateArtifact?type=defect. The equivalent URL in TeamForge 16.3 would be: /tracker/tracking/linkid/prpl1042/action/CreateArtifact?type=defect . You should get the corresponding URLs from the CollabNet TeamForge site and update your HTML or project pages accordingly.

Note: If you are making the transition via a staging site, do this in production, after the upgrade is complete, because changes you make on the stage site are not preserved.

Issue Tracker

CollabNet Enterprise Edition URLs, where issue tracker IDs or PCNs are specified, are re-directed to the exact artifact or tracker appropriately. Any other Issue Tracker tool-specific URLs are re-directed to the CollabNet TeamForge 16.3 Tracker application's home page.


CollabNet Enterprise Edition URLs, where forum IDs, topic IDs or post IDs are specified, are re-directed to the exact forum, topic or post appropriately. Any other discussions tool-specific URLs are re-directed to the CollabNet TeamForge 16.3 Discussions application's home page.


CollabNet Enterprise Edition URLs, where document IDs are specified, are re-directed to the appropriate exact document. Any other document tool-specific URLs are re-directed to the CollabNet TeamForge 16.3 Documents application's home page.



Subversion URLs for specific revisions of a file, log messages or difference between two revisions are appropriately redirected to CollabNet TeamForge 16.3's ViewVC URLs.


Any URL of CollabNet Enterprise Edition's Dashboard/Task pages are redirected to the CollabNet TeamForge 16.3 Tasks application's home page.


All CollabNet Enterprise Edition Wiki URLs are redirected to the CollabNet TeamForge 16.3 Wiki application's home page.

Project Metrics

CollabNet Enterprise Edition URLs of Report tool are redirected to the CollabNet TeamForge 16.3 Reporting application's pages.


All CollabNet Enterprise Edition News URLs are redirected to CollabNet TeamForge 16.3's Announcements.


CollabNet Enterprise Edition Help page URLs are redirected to appropriate help pages on "".