Memcached caches Subversion (SVN) authentication and authorization information and
serves the mod_authnz_ctf module's authentication and authorization
requests thereby reducing the number of SOAP calls, which in turn results in less load on the
TeamForge Application Server.
- See this wiki page for more information about Memcached.
- Memcached can run on the TeamForge Application Server or on a separate server. This
document assumes that you install Memcached on the TeamForge Application Server.
- Caching is disabled by default in TeamForge. Enable it by setting up the following
site-options.conf tokens.
To set up caching with Memcached:
- Install Memcached.
- Configure Memcached settings.
- Set up the TeamForge site options.
- Recreate the TeamForge runtime environment.
Do this on the TeamForge Application
Install Memcached.
- yum clean all
- yum -y install memcached
Configure the OPTIONS key in the Memcached configuration file
(/etc/sysconfig/memcached) and start Memcached.
The OPTIONS key in the memcached
configuration file is used to set additional options during Memcached startup. Add the
-l <ip-addr> flag to have Memcached listen to
<ip_addr>. This is an important option to consider as there is
no other way to secure the installation. Binding to an internal or firewalled network
interface is recommended.
- vi /etc/sysconfig/memcached
Important: Remove the -l flag from the OPTIONS key to
have Memcached listen to the server's default IP address or host name, including the
Start Memcached.
- Start Memcached during system boot up: sudo systemctl enable
- Start Memcached normally: sudo systemctl start
Set up the following tokens in the TeamForge site-options.conf
Recreate the TeamForge runtime environment.
- cd
- ./
-r -n -V -d /opt/collabnet/teamforge