Configure a Jenkins adapter

Configure the Jenkins adapter to notify TeamForge Orchestrate when builds complete.

Before you start the configuration, make sure that you have installed the Jenkins plug-in using the web interface. The TeamForge Orchestrate Jenkins adapter has a system configuration as well as job level configurations. The system configuration sets defaults to be used by subsequently configured job level configurations.
Important: The source association key should be unique for each job configured.

Configuring an individual Jenkins job

  1. Create a build source and have the configuration details handy for the following steps.
  2. As a privileged Jenkins user, locate the job you wish to report build data to TeamForge Orchestrate and navigate to its configuration page.
  3. Add a post-build action to Notify TeamForge Orchestrate when a build completes.
  4. Using the values you obtained in Step 1, copy and paste the Queue Server value into the Server URL field.
    Important: Include the "ampq" protocol and the port information.
  5. Fill in the Server Username and Server Password fields. Copy and paste the queue username and password values from the values obtained in Step 1.
  6. Populate the Build source association key field with the value obtained in Step 1. For more on association keys, see Source association keys.
  7. Save the job configuration.
  8. Run a build to test the new configuration and verify configuration. Information and errors will be reported to your Jenkins log and to the build console.

Configuring TeamForge Association Visualization

  1. Configure a TeamForge role user account with Orchestrate “PIPELINE API” permissions.
  2. Navigate to the job’s configuration page and find the heading Optional TeamForge Association Visualization.
  3. Type the TeamForge URL and user credentials.
  4. Save the job configuration.

Configuring global default Jenkins settings

Now that you’ve set up your first job level configuration, you can save some effort next time around by defining system values for the Server URL, Server Username and Server Password. Note that each job needs a unique Source Association Key, so that will still need to be configured per job.

  1. Refer to Step 1 and obtain values for the Server URL, Server Username and Server Password.
  2. As a privileged Jenkins user, navigate to Manage Jenkins > Configure System screen on the target Jenkins server.
  3. On the Jenkins configuration page, find the TeamForge Orchestrate section.
    1. Fill in the Server URL field. Copy and paste the Queue Server value into the Server URL field in Jenkins.
      Important: Include the "ampq" protocol and the port information.
    2. Fill in the Server Username and Server Password fields.
  4. Save the configuration.