The integration data service

The IntegrationDataApp service enables applications to associate their own data or metadata with CollabNet TeamForge objects.

Tip: For information about installing integrated apps on a TeamForge site, see theIntegrated applications.

An application can register its own namespace, to prevent collisions with other applications, and then store key‐value pairs of data that are associated with any CollabNet TeamForge object.

Detailed information

For a complete description of each method, including its parameter definitions and SOAP faults, see the Javadoc for the integration data service.


The WSDL for this service is available on your TeamForge site at https://<>/ce-soap60/services/IntegrationDataApp?wsdl. For example, here's the copy on the CollabNet web site:

New and changed methods

Refer to the Change History section on the IntegrationDataApp service Javadoc for a list of new and changed methods.