Upgrade to TeamForge 16.10 on new hardware - Black Duck Code Sight on a separate server

To upgrade to TeamForge 16.10, set up a new hardware, then bring your old site's data and convert it. As Black Duck Code Sight 2.1.3 has no support for RHEL/CentOS 7.x, you must upgrade Black Duck Code Sight on a separate RHEL/CentOS 6.8 server.

In this setup, the following services run on the TeamForge Application Server (we call this server-01).
  • TeamForge Application Server
  • Database Server (Operational DB and Reports DB)
  • ETL Server
  • Git Integration Server
  • SCM Integration Server (Subversion and CVS)
  • Search Server (Indexer).
  • TeamForge EventQ Server (App, MongoDB and RabbitMQ)
Black Duck Code Sight Server runs on a separate RHEL/CentOS 6.8 server (we call this server-04).
Attention: While you can run both EventQ and TeamForge on the same server, CollabNet recommends such an approach only for testing purposes. It's always recommended to run EventQ on a separate server for optimal scalability.
Attention: Installing or upgrading TeamForge needs root privileges. You must log on as root or use a root shell to install or upgrade TeamForge.

Do this on the new TeamForge Application Server - server-01

  1. Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS 7.2 and log in as root.
  2. Check your basic networking setup. See Set up networking for your TeamForge server for details.

Do this on the existing TeamForge Application Server

  1. Stop TeamForge.
    • /etc/init.d/collabnet stop all
  2. Back up your site database.
    Tip: /tmp/backup_dir is just an example. You can use any directory or partition you prefer to store your backup files.
    • mkdir -p /tmp/backup_dir
    • cd /var/lib
    • tar -zcvf /tmp/backup_dir/pgsql.tgz pgsql/9.3
  3. Back up the file system data.
    Tip: /tmp/backup_dir is just an example. You can use any directory or partition you prefer to store your backup files.
    1. Make an archive file with the following data directories:
      Directory Contents
      /opt/collabnet/teamforge/var User-created data, such as artifact attachments
      /opt/collabnet/reviewboard Review Board data
      /svnroot Subversion source code repositories
      /sf-svnroot Subversion repository for branding data
      /cvsroot CVS source code repositories (not present on all sites)
      /gitroot GIT source code repositories
      • cp -Rpfv /svnroot /sf-svnroot /cvsroot /opt/collabnet/teamforge/var /opt/collabnet/reviewboard /tmp/backup_dir
      If Git integration is enabled, do the following:
      • mkdir /tmp/backup_dir/gerrit
      • cp -Rpfv /gitroot /tmp/backup_dir
      • cp -Rpfv /opt/collabnet/gerrit/ /tmp/backup_dir/gerrit
      Compress your backup data.
      • cd /tmp
      • tar czvf 167backup.tgz backup_dir
    2. Back up your SSH keys, if any.
    3. Back up your SSL certificates and keys, if any.
  4. Back up EventQ. See Back up and restore EventQ data.
  5. Copy the master configuration file from the old server to the /tmp directory on the new TeamForge server.
    • scp /opt/collabnet/teamforge/etc/site-options.conf username@newbox:/tmp
    Tip: scp is just an example. You can choose any file transfer method you prefer.
  6. Copy the file system data to the new TeamForge Application Server.
    • scp /tmp/167backup.tgz username@newbox:/tmp

Do this on the new TeamForge Application Server - server-01

  1. Unpack the file system data.
    • cd /tmp
    • tar xzvf 167backup.tgz
  2. If the TeamForge server has SELinux enabled, run it in 'Permissive' mode temporarily while installing or upgrading TeamForge.
    Important: If you have SELinux in "enforcing" mode, you must either disable SELinux or switch to "Permissive" mode (recommended) before running the /opt/collabnet/teamforge/bin/teamforge provision command. TeamForge create runtime fails otherwise.
    1. Verify if SELinux is running in enforcing mode.
      • getenforce
    2. If the output of the getenforce command is "Permissive", continue with the next step. If not, run the following command to bring it to 'Permissive' mode.
      • setenforce 0
    See Set up SELinux to have TeamForge run in SELinux enforcing mode after completing the installation or upgrade.
  3. Upgrade the operating system packages.
    • yum upgrade
  4. Reboot the server.
    • reboot
  5. Configure your TeamForge installation repository.
    • TeamForge installation repository configuration for sites with internet access
    1. Contact the CollabNet Support and download the TeamForge 16.10 installation repository package to /tmp.
    2. Install the repository package.
      • yum install -y /tmp/collabnet-teamforge-repo-16.10-1.noarch.rpm
    3. Refresh your repository cache.
      • yum clean all
    • TeamForge installation repository configuration for sites without internet access
    1. Contact the CollabNet Support to get the auxiliary installer package for TeamForge 16.10 disconnected installation and save it in /tmp.
      • Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS 7.2 64 bit RPM package: CTF-Disconnected-media-16.10.658-76.rhel7.x86_64.rpm
        Note: In addition to the above CentOS 7.2 64 bit RPM package, you must get the following CentOS 7.2 compatibility RPM, which is required for TeamForge 16.10 disconnected media installation on CentOS 7.2 profile: compat-ctf-dc-media-1.0-1.el7.centos.noarch.rpm.
    2. Unpack the disconnected installation package.
      • rpm -Uvh <package-name>
    3. Unpack the compat-ctf-dc-media-1.0-1.el7.centos.noarch.rpm package if you are installing TeamForge 16.10 on CentOS 7.2.
      • rpm -ivh compat-ctf-dc-media-1.0-1.el7.centos.noarch.rpm
    4. Note: If the Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS installation DVD is mounted already, skip the following instructions. If not, mount the DVD.
      Mount the Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS installation DVD. The DVD contains the necessary software and utilities required for installing TeamForge without internet access.

      In the following commands, replace "cdrom" with the identifier for your server's CD/DVD drive, if necessary.

      • cd /media/
      • mkdir cdrom
      • mount /dev/cdrom ./cdrom/

      If there are any spaces in the automount, unmount it first and mount it as a filepath, with no spaces.

    5. Create a yum configuration file that points to the Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS installation DVD.
      • vi /etc/yum.repos.d/cdrom.repo
      Here's a sample yum configuration file.
      name=RHEL CDRom 			
    6. Verify your yum configuration files.
      • yum list httpd
      • yum list apr
  6. Install the TeamForge application packages.
    • yum install teamforge
  7. Reload the PostgreSQL data.
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge/
    • mkdir var
    • cd var
    • tar zvxf /tmp/backup_dir/pgsql.tgz
  8. Copy the site-options.conf file to the TeamForge installer directory.
    • cp /tmp/site-options.conf /opt/collabnet/teamforge/etc/
  9. Set up your site's master configuration file.
    1. Set up your site options. See Site options change log for a list of new and obsolete tokens.
      • vi /opt/collabnet/teamforge/etc/site-options.conf
    2. TeamForge 16.7 and later versions support automatic JAVA_HOME configuration. Remove the JAVA_HOME token, if present, from the site-options.conf file.
    3. Update the host name and domain name, if required.
      HOST_localhost=app database datamart etl indexer subversion cvs
      Add 'gerrit' to the HOST_localhost token if you are installing Git.
      HOST_localhost=app database datamart etl indexer subversion cvs gerrit
      Add 'binary' to the HOST_localhost token if you are installing Nexus.
      HOST_localhost=app database datamart etl indexer subversion cvs gerrit binary
      Add 'reviewboard' to the HOST_localhost token if you are installing Review Board.
      HOST_localhost=app database datamart etl indexer subversion cvs gerrit binary reviewboard
      Configure the following token if you are installing Black Duck Code Sight.
    4. Turn on the SSL for your site by editing the relevant variables in the site-options.conf file. To generate the SSL certificates, see Generate SSL certificates.
      Note: The SSL_CERT_FILE and SSL_KEY_FILE tokens need an absolute path. The SSL_CHAIN_FILE token is optional.
    5. If the token REQUIRE_PASSWORD_SECURITY is enabled, then set a value for the token, PASSWORD_CONTROL_EFFECTIVE_DATE.
      The Password Control Kit (PCK) disables, deletes or expires user accounts that don't meet the password security requirements starting from the date set for the PASSWORD_CONTROL_EFFECTIVE_DATE token. If a date is not set, the PCK disables, deletes or expires user accounts immediately. See PASSWORD_CONTROL_EFFECTIVE_DATE for more information.
    6. TeamForge 7.1 and later support automatic password creation. See AUTO_DATA for more information.
    7. Password obfuscation: The password obfuscation is enabled by default. As a result, all password-related tokens are encrypted in all the TeamForge configuration files.
      Restriction: The password-related tokens cannot contain the following characters in the site-options.conf file: $<>/\'"`
      • To disable password obfuscation, set OBFUSCATION_ENABLED=false.
      • To configure the obfuscation key, set OBFUSCATION_KEY=<Any AlphaNumeric value with length >= 8 bytes>. The default value of OBFUSCATION_KEY token is XSJt43wN.
    8. Configure the Black Duck Code Sight tokens. See Black Duck Code Sight site-option tokens.
    9. To enable the history protection feature of TeamForge Git integration, set the GERRIT_FORCE_HISTORY_PROTECTION=true. For more information, see GERRIT_FORCE_HISTORY_PROTECTION.
    10. If you have LDAP set up for external authentication, you must set the “REQUIRE_USER_PASSWORD_CHANGE” site options token to false.
    11. Make sure the PostgreSQL tokens in the site-options.conf file are set as recommended in the following topic: What are the right PostgreSQL settings for my site?
    12. Enable the POSTGRES_INTERFACE token in the site-options.conf file if the value of "ifconfig -a" is not eth0/enp0*.
    13. Configure the JBOSS_JAVA_OPTS site-options.conf token. See JBOSS_JAVA_OPTS.
      Important: All JVM parameters but -Xms1024m and -Xmx2048m have been hard-coded in the TeamForge core application. You need not manually configure any other parameter (such as -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=128M -server -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=600000) in the site-options.conf file.

      When you change the default value of a JVM parameter such as "-XX:HeapDumpPath", the JBoss runtime parameters include both the user defined and default values for the JVM parameter. However, JBoss runs with the user defined value and ignores the default value.

    14. Configure TeamForge site options to proxy EventQ through TeamForge. For more information, see "EventQ and TeamForge on the same server" section in this topic: Proxying EventQ through TeamForge. Also see Proxy settings and ports used by TeamForge EventQ services.
    15. Save the site-options.conf file.

Do this on the Black Duck Code Sight Server (server-04)

  1. Upgrade Black Duck Code Sight on RHEL/CentOS 6.8. See Upgrade Black Duck Code Sight on a new RHEL/CentOS 6.8 server.

Do this on the new TeamForge Application Server - server-01

  1. Reload the svnroot, sf-svnroot, cvsroot, gitroot and var directories.
    • cp -Rpfv /tmp/backup_dir/svnroot /svnroot
    • cp -Rpfv /tmp/backup_dir/cvsroot /cvsroot
    • cp -Rpfv /tmp/backup_dir/sf-svnroot /sf-svnroot
    • cp -Rpfv /tmp/backup_dir/var /opt/collabnet/teamforge/
    If Git integration is enabled, do the following:
    • cp -Rpfv /tmp/backup_dir/gitroot /gitroot
    • cp -Rpfv /tmp/backup_dir/gerrit/gerrit/etc /opt/collabnet/gerrit
    • cp -Rpf /tmp/backup_dir/gerrit/gerrit/.ssh /opt/collabnet/gerrit
    • cp -Rpf /tmp/backup_dir/gerrit/gerrit/bin /opt/collabnet/gerrit
  2. As you are upgrading on new hardware, contact CollabNet Support, generate the license key for the new server (IP address) and use it to replace /opt/collabnet/teamforge/var/etc/sflicense.txt
  3. Deploy services.
    • /opt/collabnet/teamforge/bin/teamforge provision

    The "provision" command prompts for response before it bootstraps or migrates data during TeamForge installation and upgrade respectively. Enter "Yes" or "No" to proceed. For more information, see The teamforge script.

  4. Update the file permissions on your site's data.
    • /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts/fix_data_permissions.sh
    Note: This process can take a long time on sites with a lot of data.
  5. If you have CVS integrations, synchronize permissions post upgrade. See, Synchronize TeamForge source control integrations.
  6. Run the TeamForge post installation script. For more information, see post-install.py.
    • /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts/post-install.py
    Note: In case you face any Git-related issues while running the post-install.py script, see Post install fails for Git. What should I do?.
  7. Run the following query to get the repository IDs of the repositories for which the Available in Search Results option was enabled.
    • echo "select sr.id from folder f, project p,scm_repository sr where f.id like 'reps%'and p.is_deleted='f' and p.id=f. project_id and sr.search_enabled='t'and sr.id=f.id and f.is_deleted='f';" | /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts/psql-wrapper -t -A >>/tmp/repository-ids.txt
  8. As this is a new hardware upgrade, run the codesightmigration.sh script to have the code search project repository URLs point to the new server.
    Note: Make sure TeamForge and Black Duck Code Sight licenses are installed before running the codesightmigration.sh script.
    • /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts/codesearch/codesightmigration.sh --filename=/tmp/repository-ids.txt

Do this on the Black Duck Code Sight Server (server-04)

  1. Run the svn_cache.sh script.
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts/codesearch/
    • ./svn_cache.sh <Repository Base URL Path of the SCM Integration Server>

    Provide a repository base URL path of the SCM Integration Server, for example, "http://myint.box.net/svn/repos", where myint.box is the server with the SCM integration server.

    In addition, if you add a new integration server at some point later, you must run this svn_cache.sh script, (after creating the new integration server), on the TeamForge application server.

Do this on the new TeamForge Application Server - server-01

  1. Upgrade EventQ. See Upgrade EventQ.
  2. Apply the finishing touches and make sure everything is running smoothly after upgrading to TeamForge 16.10.
    1. Log on to the TeamForge web application using the default Admin credentials.
      • Username: "admin"
      • Password: "admin"
    2. If your site has custom branding, verify that your branding changes still work as intended. See Change your site's look and feel.
    3. Let your site's users know they've been upgraded. See Communicate with all site users at once.
  3. Remove the backup files, if any, after the TeamForge site is up and running as expected. Remove the repository and the file system backup from the /tmp/backup_dir directory.
Note: After upgrade, it takes some time for the publishing repositories to get created for projects imported from other TeamForge sites.