Congratulations: you have just installed your TeamForge
16.10 site. Now you can apply some finishing touches and
make sure everything is running smoothly.
Log into your site as the administrator.
The value of the DOMAIN variable in the
site-options.conf file is the URL to login to TeamForge
To install your license key.
See Supply your TeamForge license key from Teamforge user interface.
To verify that the tracker initial
load (triggered through TrackerInitialJob) completed
successfully, run the following SQL from
[RUNTIME_DIR]/scripts/psql-reporting-wrapper or
by selecting the Datamart option on the page in the TeamForge web interface.
- select * from etl_job where job_name
The status column
should have a value of 1.
To create a sample project.
See Create a TeamForge project.
To write a welcome message to your site's users,
see Create a site-wide
Now that you have successfully installed your TeamForge site in its basic
configuration, you can use the instructions under
Maintain your TeamForge 16.10 site
to help keep your site going.