Install Black Duck Code Sight on a separate RHEL/CentOS 6.8 server

Black Duck Code Sight is not supported on RHEL/CentOS 7.2. Follow these instructions to install Black Duck Code Sight on a separate RHEL/CentOS 6.8 server.

Attention: Installing or upgrading TeamForge needs root privileges. You must log on as root or use a root shell to install or upgrade TeamForge.
  1. Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS 6.8 and log in as root.
    Important: Don't customize your installation. Select only the default packages list.
  2. Check your basic networking setup. See Set up networking for your TeamForge server for details.
  3. Configure your TeamForge 16.10 installation repository. See TeamForge installation repository configuration for Red Hat/CentOS.
  4. Install Black Duck Code Sight.
    • yum install teamforge-codesearch
  5. Copy the site-options.conf file from the Application Server to the /opt/collabnet/teamforge/etc/site-options.conf directory of the Black Duck Code Sight Server.
  6. Configure the the site-options.conf file.
    1. Modify the host token settings.
      Important: If you choose not to use the Application Server's site-options.conf file, then don't forget to copy the value of AUTO_DATA token from the Application Server.
      HOST_server-04=codesearch database datamart etl indexer subversion cvs gerrit binary
  7. Save the site-options.conf file.
  8. Deploy services.
    • /opt/collabnet/teamforge/bin/teamforge provision

    The "provision" command prompts for response before it bootstraps or migrates data during TeamForge installation and upgrade respectively. Enter "Yes" or "No" to proceed. For more information, see The teamforge script.

  9. Run the TeamForge post installation script. For more information, see
    • sudo /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts/
  10. Run the script.
    • cd /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts/codesearch/
    • ./ <Repository Base URL Path of the SCM Integration Server>

    Provide a repository base URL path of the SCM Integration Server, for example, "", where is the server with the SCM integration server.

    In addition, if you add a new integration server at some point later, you must run this script, (after creating the new integration server), on the TeamForge application server.