Restore and recovery

You can restore the attachment files to the respective patch from the backup location.

To restore, run the following script:

For example, gunzip /tmp/backupfile.sql.gz |mysql -utestkink -ptestlink testlink


If the TestLink system hardware fails, do a regular installation using install.conf:

  1. Replace the backed up attachment files.
  2. Restore the backed up database files.
    1. Log into mysql.
      • mysql -uroot -p
    2. Create a database named "testlink", for example:
      • create database testlink
    3. To restore backed up mysql dump file, run the following command:
      • mysql -u root -p testlink < tlbckup.sql
  3. Copy the testlink-application.xml and testlink-deploy.xml to Integrate Apps.
  4. Add collabnet-testlink.jar [Admin->System Tools->Custom Event Handlers].
  5. Restart TeamForge.