Enable SSL in TestLink server

To force all TeamForge traffic to use SSL encryption (HTTPS), state that preference in your configuration file.

Perform steps 1 to 4 for OpenSSL:

  1. Do the following:
    • yum install mod_ssl
    • cd /etc/httpd/conf/
    • mkdir ssl
    • cd ssl
  2. Generate the key with the SSL genrsa command.
    • openssl genrsa -out server.key 1024

    This command generates a 1024 bit RSA private key and stores it in the file www.example.com.key.

    Tip: Back up your www.example.com.key file, because without this file your SSL certificate will not be valid.
  3. Generate the CSR with SSL req command.
    • openssl req -new -key server.key -out server.csr

    This command will prompt you for the X.509 attributes of your certificate. Give the fully qualified domain name, such as www.example.com, when prompted for Common Name.

    Note: Do not enter your personal name here. It is requesting a certificate for a webserver, so the Common Name has to match the FQDN of your website.
  4. Generate a self-signed certificate.
    • openssl x509 -req -days 370 -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt

    This command will generate a self-signed certificate in www.example.com.crt.

Perform the following steps if you have purchased SSL:

  1. Open the ssl.conf file from the saved location, (for example, /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf) and set the following:
    • SSLCertificateFile /etc/httpd/conf/ssl/server.crt
    • SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/httpd/conf/ssl/server.key
  2. Stop and restart Apache:
    • /etc/init.d/httpd stop
    • /etc/init.d/httpd start