Here's what you need to keep in mind when determining the hardware and software
requirements for your TeamForge connector
A dedicated machine to run CCF with any of the following operating
Operating system
- Windows XP SP2
- Windows 2003 Server
- Windows 2008 Server
- Windows Vista
- Windows 7
- 4 to 8 GB system memory
- 2 CPU
- 1 to 100 GB free disk space
- Windows 32-bit Oracle Java 6/7/8 is required (QC-TF integration must have 32-bit JVM)
- CCF Apache Tomcat zip (latest version)
- Eclipse Indigo/v3.x with CCF GUI plugin
- CollabNet Windows Desktop Client (Optional)
- OTA client registration in CCF machine (in case of HP ALM 11 or above)
This release of the TeamForge
supports the following:
- TeamForge 5.4/6.1/6.1.1
and later
(Tracker items and planning folders)
- HP
Quality Center 9/10, HP ALM
(Defects and Requirements)
- The Quality Center integration needs a Windows 32-bit Oracle/Sun Java 6 VM. You may require
additional setup steps -- see Things to do before you start using the connector.
- For a medium sized installation (100,000 synched artifacts and log rotation turned on), you
need about 2 GB of free RAM and 1 GB disk space.
- For graphical data mapping support, you need a license of Altova MapForce Standard Edition