Run the dummy service (TeamForge connector distribution)

With TeamForge versions 5.4 through 6.2, you can deploy the dummy service in an existing servlet container or run it as a standalone application.

  1. Get the dummy service. It is currently distributed as part of the TeamForge connector distribution package in the apache-tomcat-7.0.14/webapps/ccf-iaf-dummyservice.war file.
    Important: TeamForge connector 2.0.0 shipped a dummy service that only works with TeamForge 5.4.We strongly recommend you use version 2.0.1 or later.
  2. Deploy the dummy service in an existing Tomcat or JBoss servlet container.

    The dummy service is a simple, self-contained, standard Java web application that can be deployed to an existing servlet container using standard deployment mechanisms.

    1. For Tomcat, use the tomcat-manager application or copy the .war file to the $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps directory.
      Note: Due to an incompatibility between the libraries shipped with JBoss and the libraries provided in the default dummy service, you need to download and use a custom dummy service build if you want to deploy on a TeamForge JBoss instance. Rename the downloaded file to ccf-iaf-dummyservice.war.
    2. On JBoss, copy the .war file to $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy.
    3. Verify that the deployment succeeded by visiting http://localhost:8080/ccf-iaf-dummyservice/services/DummyService61?wsdl (assuming that the application server is running on port 8080).
  3. To run the dummy service as a standalone application, follow these directions. As an alternative to deploying the dummy service into an existing container there is a separate build of the service available for this.
    1. Download the file from the file release section on
    2. Rename the file to ccf-iaf-dummyservice.war.
    3. Run this archive using the following command:
      • java -jar ccf-iaf-dummyservice.war --headless --port=8080 --contextPath=/ccf-iaf-dummyservice
    For more information about the parameters, see this blog post under the heading "Command line options".
  4. Configure ccf.conf.
    1. Verify that deploying the service succeeded by visiting http://localhost:8080/ccf-iaf-dummyservice/services/DummyService61?wsdl in a browser on the TeamForge server or by accessing the URL using curl or wget. You should see an XML document. If you get a "file not found" error, make sure that you are not using the dummy service distributed with the 2.0 version of the connector -- that version does not have the service necessary for TeamForge 6.1 support.
    2. When you configure your connector installation, set the ccf.iafServiceEndpoint configuration parameter.
      When an integrated application is registered, you provide an endpoint that TeamForge uses to reach the application. The endpoint URL varies depending on the TeamForge version.
      • For TeamForge versions 6.1 and 6.1.1, the endpoint URL must end with /ccf-iaf-dummyservice/services/DummyService61.
      • For TeamForge 5.4, it needs to end with /ccf-iaf-dummyservice/services/DummyService.
      Usually, the protocol, hostname and port are the same as for the ccf.baseUrl parameter. However, for scenarios where the connector server is hosted behind a company's firewall while TeamForge is hosted outside the company, it is necessary to deploy the dummy service where TeamForge can reach it.

      Here's an example:

      If the TeamForge instance ( can reach the CCFMaster instance (, the end point would be similar to:
      • ccf.iafServiceEndpoint=
      If cannot reach, you have to install the IAF dummy service on (by deploying an additional war file) and your endpoint would be similar to:
      • ccf.iafServiceEndpoint= https://localhost:<port where you started the dummy service>/ccf-iaf-dummyservice/services/DummyService61