Your ability to work with one artifact may depend on the resolution of other artifacts.
For example, a defect may require closure of another defect before it can be closed. There
are several levels of artifact dependencies within Project Tracker:
- Blocking - Blocking artifacts prevent the blocked artifact from being resolved. The
blocking artifact must be addressed before the blocked artifact can be resolved.
- Duplicating - Sometimes duplicate artifacts may be entered and need to be tracked
separately. Marking an artifact as a duplicate allows users to track efforts on both
artifacts. Duplicates may be in different projects or the same project.
- Non-blocking - Marking artifacts as non-blocking dependencies also allows users to
simultaneously track efforts on two or more artifacts.
- Parent-child - Artifacts can be grouped under a single tracking artifact to allow you to
monitor the progress of a group of artifacts.
Note: In Project Tracker, all relationships are titular. The system does not enforce any