Save a query

Once you have a well-defined set of search parameters, you may want to save them for future use.

Saved queries can be used to generate reminders, keep you informed of progress on artifacts or to quickly access a specific artifact configuration. You may have access to globally available saved queries, or you can create your own.
Tip: If you are using Project Tracker on a CollabNet TeamForge site, you can provide quick access to a query you have saved for "This project" (not a personal query) by creating a Project Tracker Query component on your project page. See Create a project page component.
  1. Define your search parameters and save your query. Stored queries are accessible through the Query artifacts tab or Saved queries drop down box on the query bar.
    Tip: When naming your saved queries, the query name should be short and descriptive. The saved query name appears in the Saved queries drop down box on the query bar.
  2. Click Save this query.
  3. Add a description to further identify your query. The query description appears in the saved query list screen and can help users make a better determination of which query to use.

    For example, you have defined several queries that search for artifacts that relate to the AIX operating system. One of your queries specifically look for all new high priority artifacts entered. A second query may search for all closed high priority artifacts. The first query is named AIXopen, the second AIXclosed. You can use the description field to remind yourself that these artifacts are specifically for high-priority artifacts.

    Before you can save your query you need to determine the availability. Your query can be available only to yourself by selecting "Personal" from the drop down list.

  4. If you think your query is of value to all members of the project, select "This project." You can copy a query saved under "This Project" and make it a "Personal" one and edit it to meet your requirements. If you do not have permission to create a project saved query, the query will be submitted to the administrator for approval.
  5. Click Save.
Important: After a query has been saved, it will not automatically be updated if there is a change to the availability of the search criteria in the project. For instance, if you save a query with specific options selected and the options are removed from the artifact type, the query will return all artifacts that meet the search criteria minus the removed option. Furthermore, if the option is later restored to the artifact type, the query will return no results until a new artifact containing the search criteria is created.
Related actions
Managing saved queries
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