Create an artifact

To get work started, open a new artifact and assign users to it.

Tip: You may also want to ensure that several people are sent email notifications whenever the artifact is modified.
  1. Click Project Tracker > Enter Artifacts in the left navigation pane.
  2. If the artifact has more than a few attributes, enter basic attribute information and Click Next. If the attributes of the artifact you just entered matches another artifact in the database, the system displays the other artifact and suggests that your new entry maybe a duplicate of an existing artifact.
    Note: To show a description for each attribute to help guide you in creating the artifact, click Show in the Attribute descriptions field on the Enter new page. Attribute descriptions will appear below the attribute field in the form.  Click the Hide botton to remove attribute descriptions.
  3. Despite the suggestion that the artifact might be a duplicate, if you want to continue entering the new artifact, you can enter additional information, such as a long description, fields to check in the data base for duplicate artifact entries, attachments, and so on.
  4. Click Submit artifact.

After selecting the Enter new tab, you can select from the available artifact types and enter values for the available attributes. Attributes appear with a drop down box or list of options to select from or a text entry form for you to enter text. You can select one item from a drop down box and multiple items from attributes with lists.

If duplication tracking is active, entering an artifact becomes a three step process:

  1. Enter values for a subset of attributes that will be used to check for duplicates in the database once you have clicked Next.
  2. Review all possible duplicates and determine what action to perform.
  3. Rnter values for the remaining attributes if the new artifact is not a duplicate.

While you are entering the artifact you can attach a relevant file using the same form. Attaching a file helps you and others to easily share relevant information or patches.

Before submitting your artifact you should review the information you just entered. Once you are done editing your artifact click Submit artifact.

Related questions
What is a user attribute?
How do I handle duplicate artifacts?
Related actions
Set an artifact identifier