Why am I having trouble doing write operations to a Subversion repository over a network?

This sometimes happens when the REPOS/dav/ directory is not writable by the httpd process. Check the permissions to ensure Apache can write to the dav/ directory (and to db/).

For example, imports may work fine over local access: * $ mkdir test $ touch test/testfile $ svn import test file:///var/svn/test -m "Initial import" Adding test/testfile Transmitting file data. Committed revision 1. But not from a remote host: * $ svn import http://svn.sabi.net/test testfile -m "import" nicholas's password: xxxxxxx svn_error: #21110 : <Activity not found> The specified activity does not exist.

Again, you must check the permissions on Apache to ensure that you can write to the dav/ directory.