How do user roles work?

Project administrators can define specific access permissions for individual project members. They do this by using global roles and/or creating roles and assigning the roles to project members.

Under role-based access control (RBAC), permissions are not assigned directly to an individual user. Instead, each user has the permissions that are attached to any role that is assigned to that user.

A project member can be assigned multiple roles.

In CollabNet TeamForge, site or project administrators assign roles to the site users or project members. Besides this, a project member can submit a role request to the project administrator. The project administrator can approve or reject such requests.

When you define users, user groups and roles with specific permissions in one project, they can be inherited in one or more subprojects. This helps you avoid duplicating the effort of defining users, user groups and roles across projects.

Note: Permissions are cumulative. If a project member is assigned a role that provides a specific permission, and another role that does not, the user has that permission.

A role defines these things:

When a user's roles do not include access to an application or resource, that application or resource is not visible to that user. For example, imagine that you are assigning roles to Jason, a software developer. Jason needs to check source code in and out in order to fix bugs, develop features and create software releases. However, Jason does not need access to the wiki. If you set up Jason's roles according to those requirements, Jason's experience is like this:


An application is a collection of related features designed to enable a user to perform tasks and collaborate with other users. For example, the Documents application helps users create documents, share in document reviews, and publish documents, among other things.

In the Web interface, each application is represented by a button in the navigation bar at the top of any project page. A given user can see the buttons corresponding to applications they have access to by virtue of the roles assigned to them.

Applications are also known as "tools."



Allows users to view and download items, but not to create or edit items, administer folders, or edit application settings.
Create or Submit
Allows users to create new items, but not to edit items, administer folders, or edit application settings. Users with the create or submit permission also have the view permission.
Allows users to edit items, but not to administer folders or edit application settings. Users with the edit permission also have the view permissions.
Allows users to create and edit items, administer folders, and edit application settings. Users with the administer permission also have the edit, create or submit, and view permissions.
Allows users to delete items, but not to administer folders or edit application settings. Users with the delete permission also have view permissions.