You cannot completely remove files and folders under CVS but you can hide them.
CVS is designed to reconstruct the history of a file even after it has been deleted.
Therefore you cannot completely remove files, only hide them.
When files are deleted, they are moved to the attic folder within the same folder. These
files do not show up while checking out the repo to your local drive. When a folder is
deleted, it does not get moved to the attic folder, but is still present in the repo as
an empty directory. These deleted folders show up on the local drive when the repo is
checked out. However, you can instruct your cvs client not to bring down empty folders
while checking out the repo. To do so, use the
prune option along with
the checkout command as follows:
cvs -d checkout -P
projectname","Karishma Jugal","0","Draft","1","2/10/2006","2/10/2006" "Need 2 windows
desktop boxes","00000553","I have Installed windows 2k3 in 2 desktops with 2 Ethernet
card in a desktop.