You can add the following components to any of these pages choosing the format that
will best suit your requirements.
- Activity table: A HTML snippet that has sample content
- Metrics report - single: Placeholder for a Project Metrics report
- Metrics report - double: Placeholder for two Project Metrics reports
- Documents: This places a 'Document Upload' widget on the project page that
allows you to upload documents which are further committed to your project's
Subversion repository
- Milestones table: If you use the Project Dashboard tool, the upcoming project
milestones are displayed on your project page
- Project tracker query: This allows you to display the artifacts listed by a
Project Tracker query
- Project overview: This allows you to list project overview (Summary, Owners,
License etc) information to be listed in your project page
- Subprojects: This allows you to list all the subprojects of the project to be
listed in the project page
- HTML: An HTML snippet that can be edited using WYSIWYG editor