Why can't I see the log entry for the file I just committed?

Assume you run svn checkout on a repository and receive a working copy at revision 7 (aka, r7) with one file in it called foo.c. You modify the file and commit it successfully. Two things happen: The repository moves to r8 on the server and in your working copy, only the file foo.c moves to r8. The rest of your working copy remains at r7.

You now have what is known as a mixed revision working copy. One file is at r8, but all other files remain at r7 until they too are committed, or until 'svn update' is run.
$ svn -v status 7 7 nesscg. 8 8 nesscg foo.c $

If you run svn log without any arguments, it prints the log information for the current directory (named "." above). Since the directory itself is still at r7, you do not see the log information for r8.

To see the latest logs, do one of the following:
  1. Run svn log -rHEAD.
  2. Run svn log URL, where URL is the repository URL.
  3. Ask for just that file's log information, by running svn log foo.c.
  4. Update your working copy so it's all at r8, then run svn log.